
Understanding My Bill
We recognize that the billing process following your procedure may need some explanation. Allow us to work with you to alleviate your concerns. Anesthesia Management Partners, our billing service, is available to discuss any billing questions you have.
Contacting Anesthesia Management Partners (AMP)
For all questions regarding your bill, please contact AMP directly.
Toll Free (800) 444-6110
Please be prepared to provide the following information to AMP:
Account Number
Patient’s Name
Guarantor’s Name
Primary and/or Secondary Insurance Carrier
Insured’s ID and Group Number
Daytime Contact Number
Date of Services
Common Billing Questions and Concerns

I received a bill from Platinum Anesthesia in addition to a bill from the surgical center, and a CRNA bill where I had my surgery. Why am I being charged mulitiple times?
The medical facility where you had your procedure bills you separately for the anesthetic medicines, gases, and use of all monitoring and disposable equipment. Platinum Anesthesia professional services are not included in the surgery center bill. We bill you separately based on a fee-for-service model. Our bill takes into account the nature, complexity and duration of the surgical procedure, and the status of your health.
My insurance lists Platinum as an in-network provider, but I still received a bill from Platinum with a balance due.
In many cases, after your insurance provider has paid our claim, there is still a balance due from you. Typically, the remaining balance is attributed to your deductible and/or your co-pay. If you have secondary insurance coverage be sure to provide that information to us so that we can submit the claim. If you do not have secondary insurance, your bill reflects only the balance that remains after payment from your insurance provider — and this balance is due upon receipt of our statement.
My insurance lists Platinum as an out-of-network provider, and I received a bill from Platinum with a balance due.
We understand that expenses associated with out-of-network medical care can be overwhelming. We are willing to do what we can to accommodate your financial needs. Once you receive your first statement, please contact Anesthesia Management Partners, our billing division, to discuss arrangements.
Anesthesia Management Partners
Toll Free (800) 444-6110 4375
I do not have insurance and/or cannot afford to pay my remaining balance in full within 30 days from receipt of the statement.
We understand that expenses associated with medical care can be overwhelming. We are willing to do what we can to accommodate your financial needs. Once you receive your first statement, please contact Anesthesia Management Partners, our billing division, to discuss arrangements.
Anesthesia Management Partners
Toll Free (800) 444-6110
What forms of payment does Platinum Anesthesia accept?
We accept payment by cash, check or money order. You can also pay online or by phone using Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. When mailing your payment, please include the bottom stub of your statement. Our billing department address, listed below, also is noted in the lower right corner of your statement.
Billing department address
Platinum Anesthesia & Pain Services
PO Box 70
Lake Forrest, Illinois 60045-0070